Rules and Conditions for Press Registration
Registration Categories
Print Media
Digital Media
Exhibitors and associations press office
Badges Pick-Up
The press badge is valid for all three days of the event.
Journalists must collect their badges directly at the media assistance desk.
Press registration will only be valid for people older than 16 years old.
All registrations will go through an authorization process.
Registration must be completed by August 15th, 2024.
Compliance with the above requirements does not guarantee approval of press registration
We will consider “Influencers” those with more than 10,000 (Ten Thousand) followers, with content related to the event, who correctly fill out
the form and are approved by the organization.
In the case of minors, a maximum of 3 companion badges will be issued and the forms must be completed individually.
The INFLUENCER badge allows access to all three days of the event and to the technical program.
All requests must be made by August 10th and will be analyzed by the organization.
Organization rights:
Approved Influencers authorize the pomotion of their presence on the event’s social medias.